30 October 2002

the blog that wasn't (continued)

kiel: hopeful

kie: same old chair.  it's got a coke stain on it.  cherry coke, actually.

kio: ben folds : selfless, cold, and composed

basically a wave of exams and problem sets, finally ending with yesterday's biochem exam has been standing in the way of my blogging.

major events of october:

1) dropped spanish.  like a 3-foot putt.  that is such a relief.  lemme tell you why.  it started with a one-page assignment the first class.  not bad.  then a two page assignment the next week.  then a three page assignment the next, and what was potentially 4 page, 5 page, and 6 pagers to come, culminating in a 10 page paper at the end of the semester.  this is not a writing intensive course.  and i've never written that much in my life probably in all the spanish classes i've been in!  that was just ludicrous, so the hell with that.  i do feel bad, though, since i convinced sarah to take the class with me then dropped it.

2) arranged a song for notes.  it was fun.  it uses some rather unorthodox syllables.  namely, "splat!".

3) took some exams.  didn't do very well.  well, i didn't get them back yet but i'm sure they weren't that great.  the whole study habits thing.

4) sniper madness.  that was just stupid.

ANNOUNCEMENT!  there will be a halloween party at my house thursday.  at 10.  if you're going to come please be in costume, or bring beer.  or BOTH!!  prizes for best costume.

apparently it's snowing in pa.  cool.  it's pretty cold here and kind of spitting.

i had no classes today and i did just about nothing. i told you this week was going to be nice.

tonight i think i'll clean the bathroom.  it's about as dirty as bob guccione's imagination.  better spiff up, though, in case of any unexpected calls to be placed for ralph o'rourke.

the mental notes concert is nov 15 i think so watch out for that.  okay back to the bathroom

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