05 November 2002


kiel: well rested
kie: in just the right spot
kio: phish : frankie says

this could possibly the best day ever. i have no classes today.

i am working hard on page design, and integrating my old website into the movabletype CMS. see? (notice the pen behind the ear a la handy smurf)

this morning i woke up and pete was making brownies. and apparently nobody here likes to eat the batter of cookies, brownies, cake, etc. so i got to eat that. see?

last week when we got our new fridge we were cleaning out the old one and we found this bulb of garlic that had a little sprout coming out of it. so i decided to plant it. well, one week later, it is still alive! see?

the little green spot is the plant growing almost out of the cup. yes, i sustained life. agricola ego sum. i guess i'm getting back to my roots. HAHAHAHA get it? roots! farmer!

as my grandfather constantly reminds me: "the dumber the farmer, the bigger the potatoes." whatever that means.

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