09 July 2004

good grrrrrrrrravy! -quickie

so i just woke up from a dream on which president bush was speaking on the lower quad in front of shaffer hall. all of a sudden, hundreds of gallon jugs of milk started falling rolling off of the roof, and a guy in a tony the tiger outfit burst out of the podium (like in that juicyfruit gum commercial) and said "they're grrrreat!" honestly, it would be a pretty good advertising ploy. i mean, when the president is speaking on tv, he's on EVERY CHANNEL. and you know that if that actually happened (tony the tiger appeared out of nowhere during a presidential speech), kellogg's sales would skyrocket. there's no such thing as bad publicity.


in my opinion, this dream either forecasts the growing commercialism of politics or the secret service's inability to secure the president from cereal terrorist organizations.

ed: maybe this would be orchestrated by the anti-milk faction of PETA. -9/5/06

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