11 May 2002

put on the red light

feelin: fine

now playin: jhu mental notes : verticality : black

yeah so i love the notes.  go jurph.

yeah so xanga has UPGRADED me to PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP for the next 30 days.  whoop dee shit.  apparently i have image support now, and i can highlight stuff.  and here is a fun image.

yeah so this was taken at the band party.  and in case you didn't know pete has a tendency to lose his pants when he drinks.  props to dan for overlaying another picture of the fridge magnet letters.  that kid is good with the 'shop.  haha at the band party we played this drinking game called the roxanne drinking game.  basically, you listen to the police's roxanne, and everytime they say "roxanne" or "red light" you drink.  haha sounds easy, and it is during the verse.  but during the chorus it's pretty much a straight chug.  heehee make sure your beverage isn't too cold or it will suck.  trust me.

*song switch* the who : tommy : 1921

yeah so i haven't made an entry in the past few days.  does that make me a bad blogista? well tough.

yeah so what's been going on?  when was my last entry?  may 8, eh?  well a lot's happened since then.  basically i had been procrastinating and trying as hard as possible not to do my andes paper.  but i finally did it.  7.5 times new roman, 10 solid courier.  i love courier.

star wars episode ii jedi fruit rolls: jedi berry blast.

heehee i like this image hosting thing.

yeah so after i finished the paper i did absolutely nothing.  and i should have studied for diff eq because that final today kicked me in the face. then i went to sing for notes then went to a way fun mental notes potluck.

*song switch* tonic: if you could only see

*song switch* brown derbies : gummi bears (i hate college a cappella, except for this song.... and of course the notes)

yeah so also after i sang with the notes i stopped by to see ecco perform.   they were not bad.  there have been some personnel switches (seems like my leaving started a chain reaction), some good, some bad.  but right now the intonation is really great.  and some of the newer members add to that (ahem, robyn).  it was really nice, i liked the music (again, except 'swonderful).  i wish there were more than 2 guys in the group though.  but anyway, yeah they have survived without me, and they're doing quite well.

*song switch* led zeppelin : stairway to heaven (you may know this one)

yeah so i am going to get rid of stupid frames on my website.  maybe i'll learn to do style sheets like a real web type person.  7h47 p463 15 50 phu|\||\|y ahem: w00+, 1337 h4x0r, m$, etc.

yeah so i have transport coming up on monday.  currently i have a C at best in that class so i need an A+++++ on that shit.   so i will be studying all weekend, and then i am done with this place.  freaking done!!   i am gonna lay around all week next week (till we get kicked out of dorms) and DO NOTHING!  ooh it feels so good.  yeah.  okay.  end transmission.

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