29 June 2002

i hate aol

feelin': pissed off.

20: hizzle nizzle

playin': camille saint-saens : l'elephant

i am pissed because i had this nice long blog entry all typed up ready to send when i clicked on a link in somebody's profile and it opened in the only open window, which was the xtools window, which thereby deleted by entry,  GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAARRRR.

so i will try to recreate it:

wow was it only this afternoon that i made that last entry.  my 3 o clock tour went okay.  there was this one girl there, half-indian, blue eyes.   wow was she a hottay.  grrowr.  of course the reason i do tours is not to pick up 18-year-old high school girls, but hey, it's a nice perk.

lately i've been spending time on a new web project.  i'm not gonna say anything about it but i call it project: myst.  it will be very cool when it's finished, trust me.  and of course it will be copiously linked to by any and all readers of this weblog.

tomorrow is my last performance of "the sound of music".  hopefully for a long time.  it's not that i don't like the play, i think it's great.  it's just that enough is enough already!  afterwards we're going to nancy's house (remember nancy, the girl playing brigitta, the hot one?)  to party.  i guess i'm going to stay the night, only i don't know how comfortable i am drinking with a bunch of high school kids and nancy's dad....

i had chop suey today.  not bad, but not my favorite. ugh i really shouldn't have eaten that shrimp toast before.  shrimp toast is like french toast sticks, only shrimp flavored.  the first one's not bad, but after a while it's like ughhh deep fried shrimp dough... that's partially why i'm up.

my phone just beeped with a voice mail from my dad which was left at 6:17 pm.  thank you very much phone.  he sounded angry too.  even though i just talked to my parents YESTERDAY they're still all ehhhhhhhhhhh call us.  ugh.  that's not helping my apparent indigestion.  glerg.....good night for now.

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