28 June 2002

oh well

feelin': groovy

20: lab

waiting for yet another gel to be done. i screwed up the last one and it was like 10 at night so i was like screw it i'll do it some other day.  i hope it comes out ok, since i kinda forgot to add 5 extra microliters of ethidium bromide. oh well.

the special tour i gave today was supposed to have a reporter from the washington post but i think he went in the other half of the group.  oh well. my tour was ok it was a bit of a tough crowd though since it was all students pretty much.  there was a guy in it that looked kinda like steve correll from the daily show but alas i don't think it was the reporter.  oh well.

i got a veggie sub at the CYBER CAFE today.  not bad.  it had mushrooms and avocado on it.  interesting.  i have another tour at 3, but until then i have very little to do.  maybe i'll just hang out at the admissions office. oh well.

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